Sanctuary Choir The Sanctuary Choir sings for worship on the first and third Sundays of the month and for special services through the year. This choir sings a variety of styles of music, usually in four-part harmony. Reading music is a bonus, but not a requirement.
Gospel Choir The Gospel Choir sings for worship on second Sundays and for other special services. This choir presents gospel music that is taught in the oral tradition.
Praise Team Our Praise Team, Messiah’s Quest, leads in worship on fourth Sundays. The Praise Team sings contemporary music with live band accompaniment.
Festival Choir This group presents a cantata during the Advent/Christmas season and on Palm Sunday, and leads worship on Christmas Eve and Easter. All singers are welcome to join the Festival Choir in preparing and presenting these special services.

Jubilee Ringers This adult/youth handbell choir plays for worship on third Sundays of each month.

M.A.D. M.A.D., short for music, arts and drama, provides a safe environment where our young people can explore music and drama together and serve our congregation as worship leaders. M.A.D. includes the Bell-Aires handbell choir, vocal music and drama. We conduct a week-long summer M.A.D. camp at the church for youth entering 5th grade through high school.
Faith in Motion Faith in Motion is our liturgical dance troupe. It is where you can enhance the message of God’s word without using words. Youth between grades 6 and 12 are welcome to be part of this ministry that enhances the worship services several times a year.
Youth Praise Team The Youth Praise Team is for vocalists and instrumentalists between grades 5 and 12 who are interested in contemporary worship and praise. This team leads worship several times a year.
FaithWeaver Friends FWFriends is our children’s music and drama program for kids ages 3 through grade 4. It is a family–friendly weekly program that meets on Mondays from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We sing upbeat songs, play cooperative games, make tasty treats, create special projects and explore Bible stories in wild and wacky ways. We also share some of the things we learn with others.
Calling Instrumentalists! Do you play a musical instrument? Would you like to share that talent with the congregation? There are many times when a flute, oboe, trumpet, violin, etc. would be an excellent addition to choral or organ music. If you are interested, please contact us. We need you!
Music Staff
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the music staff through the Director of Music Ministry at 732-463-1517