Contact Linda for more information on how you can prep or serve, clean up or dine with our guests.
Shepherds Harvest
The Gardens at Christ UMC
Shepherd’s Harvest meets every Saturday at 9am-11am.
Shepherd’s Harvest is a gardening group that gets together every Saturday morning. We currently have an outdoor vegetable garden and an indoor hydroponics garden. We grow a variety of seasonal vegetables including: tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, watermelon, okra, strawberries, bell peppers and more. The produce we grow is given to food pantries for people in need.
We welcome anyone who would like to join.
Shepherd’s Shelves
where it all began
New Brunswick Feeding Ministry
six times a year, Christ UMC is in New Brunswick helping our sister UMC
in their work to feed God’s people every day.
There are many spaces to gather in small groups to build spiritual friendships
The Craft Group creates items that enhance church events or are sold as part of fund-raising activities that benefit church ministries.
United Methodist Women
See the United Methodist Women page in the Missions and Outreach section for information on this ministry.
Men’s Fellowship
See the Men’s Fellowship page in the Grow section for information on this ministry.
Worship Team
The Worship Ministry Team helps the pastor and staff plan and deliver meaningful and varied worship services. We also encourage the congregation to provide us with comments and suggestions about worship services.
Worship Assistants
A wide range of opportunities exists for people of all ages to assist at worship services. To learn more about serving as a greeter, usher, computer and audio/visual equipment operator, acolyte, Lay Reader/Liturgist or communion steward, or to join the Chancel Guild, contact the church office (call 732-463-1517 or email office@christumcpiscataway.com).
The Education Ministry Team offers programs that support the spiritual growth of people of all ages.Contact Pastor Janice to 
be a part of this most important work.
The Youth Ministry Team strives to provide a Christian environment that enables junior and senior high youth to grow in faith through education, mission, outreach and fellowship.  Because we believe our children and youth are precious gifts from God, their safety is of the utmost importance to us. The Greater New Jersey Annual Conference requires anyone working with children, youth or vulnerable adults to undergo a training program called “Safe Sanctuary.”
Sunday School Teachers We offer opportunities for children, youth and adults to grow in their faith through Sunday School. If you enjoy sharing your faith and helping others learn more about God and strengthen their relationship with Jesus.
Youth Leaders We offer youth ministry to students in 6th through 12th grades. Our Youth Leaders help participants grow in faith through education, mission, outreach and fellowship. Adults also are sought to serve as mentors for youth in 6th grade and older who are participating in our confirmation program. Please refer to our Safe Sanctuary policy below.
The Fellowship Ministry Team promotes social interaction between church members and families by organizing and supporting a variety of events such as the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner and the annual church picnic.
The Communications Ministry Team strives to keep members, friends and the community informed about church happenings. We manage the church website and Facebook page and produce the monthly church newsletter.
Church Committees and Ministries To learn more about a committee or ministry at Christ United Methodist Church, speak to Pastor Janice pastor@christumcpiscataway.com
Leadership Board
Members of the Church Council include mission and ministry leaders of the church. The council provides for organizational administration and the planning and implementing of programs of nurture, outreach, witness and resources in the church.
The Finance Ministry Team prepares and manages the annual budget, plans and conducts the annual stewardship campaign and tracks contributions to the church.
The Building Maintenance Committee keeps the church facilities in good repair. Committee “meetings” take the form of workdays that occur about four times a year.
The Grounds Committee manages the upkeep of the church grounds. Members of the committee and other committed volunteers mow, plant, prune and weed, among other tasks.
Lay Deacons
The Lay Deacons assist the pastor with visitation of the sick and by serving communion in church and to shut-ins. Among their other acts to communicate the love of God, they pray with and anoint those in need, and send cards to people on the church prayer list.
Membership and Evangelism
The Membership and Evangelism Committee helps visitors learn about our church, arranges new member classes and facilitates the active participation of new members in church activities. We also encourage the community to visit us and grow in discipleship.
Mission and Outreach
See the Mission and Outreach page in the Serve section for information on this ministry.
See the Music page in the Connect section for information on this ministry.
Nominations The Nominations Committee develops leadership for the church community. We prepare a slate of nominations for all church leadership positions and present it to the annual church conference for election.
The Parsonage Committee is accountable to the Leadership Board for the upkeep of the parsonage and the well being of our pastor.
Staff Parish Relations
The duties of the Staff Parish Relations Committee include conferring and counseling with the pastor and staff on matters related to ministry and congregation relationship, evaluating the pastor and staff, and recommending candidates for ordained ministry.
The Board of Trustees manages church property, equipment and investments to support the vision and mission of our church.
Safe Sanctuary Christ UMC maintains a Safe Sanctuary policy. Our children and youth are precious gifts from God and their safety is of the utmost importance to us. This policy, mandated by the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference, requires anyone working with children, youth or vulnerable adults to complete a Safe Sanctuary training program.